Help! How do I convert 1 cup plain flour to self raising flour with Bi-carb (Baking) Soda? - is bi carb good for atlete feet
I have people come in about an hour and would make cookies, I thought I'd even rising flour, but I only have flour! My grandmother thinks he can use the bi-carb (baking soda) as a collection agent, but do not know how!
Am I to 1 cup of flour? How should I add, bi-carb?
Your help would be very grateful! Thanks
You can not. You need baking powder or baking soda.
Baking soda works only in the presence of an acid.
1 cup flour + 1.5 C + = .5 teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt 1 cup self rising flour.
I never used the same increase for witnesses, but the effect of working the same amount of carbohydrates per teaspoon ensure two and two cups of flour, but that the relationship with the Formula Work acid like lemon juice or buttermilk
1 / 2 teaspoon per cup of flour
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